Saturday, September 17, 2016

How to Disable Right Click On Blogger Stop Copy Paste

How to Disable Right Click On Blogger Stop Copy Paste

Learn how to disable right click on blogger to stop copy paste of your blogs content. Disabling right click on your blogger blog to stop plagiarism has its advantages. Although you might be the original creator of the content on your blog, someone who copied from you, with the right backlinks and keywords in place, their post can rank higher than yours in search results, meaning low benefits in terms of traffic, income after all your efforts.

Also, since Google is against duplication of content, you can get penalized for having them on your blog even though you are not the defaulter. Dont want all the time youve spent in researching and putting up your quality and
unique content to go to waste? heres how you can disable right clicking on your blog to stop copy and paste.

Also Read:   How to Add HTML Parse Tool To Blogger
                    How To Centralize Blogger Title And Description 
                    How to Add Read More Attribution Links to Copied Text in Blogger

How to Disable Right Click on Blog or Website

For tutorial blogs that will require visitors to copy part of the content, disabling right click on the blog is not advisable.

  •   From your  Blogger Dashboard 
  •   Goto  Layout.
  •   Click on Add Gadget.
  •   Select Html/Javascript
  •   Copy and Paste the code  below in the text field


<script language=JavaScript1.2>

function disableselect(e){

return false


function reEnable(){

return true


document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false")

if (window.sidebar){





  •  Save the gadget.
Also Read:  How To Show Adsense Below Post Title
                    How to Upload Blogger Template
    On visiting your blog, youll notice that selecting of the post or right clicking on it has been disabled.

    Go to link download