Friday, October 7, 2016

10 Free Plagiarism Checker Tools

10 Free Plagiarism Checker Tools

Free Plagiarism Checker Tools that allows you check if your content is unique or duplicated on the internet are given in this post. From the, plagiarism is defined as an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that authors work as ones own, as by not crediting the original author. An effect of plagiarism is that it lowers a blogs/sites  page rank on google, and some websites try to eliminate this by using measures like disabling right click or selecting on the site, the use digital watermarks, declaring copyrights etc.

All of The Following Are Considered As Plagiarism:

  • Turning in someone Elses work as your own
  • Copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit
  • Failing to put a quotation in quotation marks
  • Giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation
Still wondering how you can check your website/blog for duplicate content? The, try out these free plagiarism checker tools listed below.

Also Read:     How to Disable Right Click On Blogger - Stop Copy Paste
                     Add Read More Attribution Links to Copied Text in Blogger
                     Automatically Add Nofollow Attribute to All External Links In Blogger

Free Online Plagiarism Checker Tools

1.  Plagiarism Checker by Small SEO Tools

This is a free online plagiarism checker tool . To use this plagiarism checker, copy and paste your content in the box provided on the website, then click “check for plagiarism button.” If there are sentences in the content that are not original, the tool identifies the original source.

 2.  PlagSpotter

PlagSpotter online plagiarism checker tool scans your URL for duplicate content. You can easily find copies of your web pages, detect and monitor your pages for duplicate content.

3.  Viper Plagiarism Scanner

Viper is a program that checks your text/content against 10 billion sources . Scan against essays already published on the Internet

4.  Plagiarisma Plagiarism Checker

Offers free plagiarism scanner for scanning text and URLs for duplicate content.

5.  Grammarly Plagiarism Checker

Grammarly plagiarism checker tool checks your content against over 8 billion web pages, detecting plagiarized passages and highlighting sections that have been previously published elsewhere.

6.  Plagium Plagiarism Checker and Tracker

Plagium Plagiarism Checker and Tracker tool  returns links to documents containing text blocks that match what you have presented to it. To use it for free, your text must be within  25,000 characters .

7.  Copyscape - Plagiarism Detection Tool

Copyscape is a free plagiarism checker. The software lets you detect duplicate content and check if your articles are original. With this tool, youre required to enter only the URL of the post and it  is checked for plagiarism.

8.  The Plagiarism Scanner

Its free and paid anti-plagiarism services allows users to enter their text, while it scans it for  duplication

9.  Duplichecker

Duplichecker offers the ability for users to check content for plagiarism through copy and paste or by uploading a .doc or .txt file.

10.   CopyGator

To use this plagiarism tool, you have to enter your URL or feed URL. The result returned lets you know if your content is being used elsewhere other than your website.

With all the plagiarism checker tools listed above, youll definitely find more than one that serves you well.

Go to link download