Monday, August 29, 2016

Where to Find Free Images Online For Blog

Where to Find Free Images Online For Blog

Where to Find Free Images for Website

A list of several places to find free images for your blog/website is given in this post. Images in a blog post makes it look attractive and gives the readers a better and faster understanding of what the post entails. With pictorial representation of the major steps in a process, it takes a little amount of time and effort to assimilate and go through the steps. Although images depending on their size and quality can increase the page load time of a blog/site, when edited, resized and compressed appropriately, they make your blog post complete. Also, images with alt tags in a post can increase the sites traffic since they are crawlable by search engines like Google. As we all know, Google displays search results with related images which are linked to the sites they were retrieved from. By including images in your blog posts, youre improving your sites on page SEO in order to increase traffic to it.

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There are several places where you can find free images for your blog, and the most popular is Google. On carrying out a search on Google and clicking on the images tab, youll get lots of images corresponding to that search string. Some of these images are copyrighted images which should not be used by the general public.By using the advanced feature of Google image search, options to filter the search is also included, which means some useful images you might need will not be included in the result. To avoid using images that break copy right laws on your blog and not just limit the places you can find images to Google, here is a list of places where you can easily download free and premium royalty free stock photography and Illustrations.

1.  Flicker creative common

One of the places where you can find good quality images for your website is on flickr. 

2.  Dreamstime

Dreamstime offers a free section that’s searchable and frequently updated. It requires registration.

3.  Stock Photos

Stock photos for free provides free images. Registration is required before gaining access to the images. 

4.  Photopin

On Photo Pin,  several images can be found.

5.   Free Digital Photos

Free Digital Photos has a great collection of free images which are categorized and searchable for business, personal or educational use. Using the free images often requires a credit to the photographer and the site

6.  Free Images

Free Images offers a good number of free images for commercial use

7.  Pixabay

Pixabay allows blogger to make use of a growing directory of images. These images can be included in your blog without attribution to the source.

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 8.  MorgueFile

MorgueFile has a large selection of free photos that you can use on your blog. Here, youll have to link back from your blog post to the source.

9.   Free Photos Bank

Free Photos Bank has a nice collection of free photos available for download which require no registration.

10. Freedigitalphotos

On Freedigitalphotos  you can get free blog stock photos and illustrations.

11.   Free Range Stock

Free Range Stock offers access to free high-quality, high-resolution stock photos. Registration is required.

12.   Pickupimage

Pickupimage is a large collection of free stock images for commercial purposes mostly on nature and outdoor related scenes . No registrationis required.

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