Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Introduction Definition And Major Branches Of Chemistry

Introduction Definition And Major Branches Of Chemistry

study of the composition, structure, properties, and interactions of matter. Chemistry arose from attempts by people to transform metals into gold beginning about ad 100, an effort that became known as alchemy (see Chemistry, History of). Modern chemistry was established in the late 18th century, as scientists began identifying and verifying through scientific experimentation the elemental processes and interactions that create the gases, liquids, and solids that compose our physical world. As the field of chemistry developed in the 19th and 20th centuries, chemists learned how to create new substances that have many important applications in our lives.
Chemists, scientists who study chemistry, are more interested in the materials of which an object is made than in its size, shape, or motion. Chemists ask questions such as what happens when iron rusts, why iron rusts but tin does not, what happens when food is digested, why a solution of salt conducts electricity but a solution of sugar does not, and why some chemical changes proceed rapidly while others are slow. Chemists have learned to duplicate and produce large quantities of many useful substances that occur in nature, and they have created substances whose properties are unique.
Much of chemistry can be described as taking substances apart and putting the parts together again in different ways. Using this approach, the chemical industry produces materials that are vital to the industrialized world. Resources such as coal, petroleum, ores, plants, the sea, and the air yield raw materials that are turned into metal alloys; detergents and dyes; paints, plastics, and polymers; medicines and artificial implants; perfumes and flavors; fertilizers, herbicides, and insecticides. Today, more synthetic detergent is used than soap; cotton and wool have been displaced from many uses by artificial fibers; and wood, metal, and glass are often replaced by plastics.
 A living organism is a complex chemical factory in which precisely regulated reactions occur between thousands of substances. 
Chemistry is often called the central science, because its interests lie between those of physics (which focuses on single substances) and biology (which focuses on complicated life processes). A living organism is a complex chemical factory in which precisely regulated reactions occur between thousands of substances. Increased understanding of the chemical behavior of these substances has led to new ways to treat disease and has even made it possible to change the genetic makeup of an organism. For example, chemists have produced strains of food plants that are hardier than the parent strain.
Because the field of chemistry covers such a broad range of topics, chemists usually specialize. Thus, chemistry is divided into a number of branches, some of which are discussed at the end of this article. Nevertheless, the process of learning the properties of a substance and of taking it apart is fundamental to nearly all of chemistry.
The first step in investigating a complex material is to try to break it down into simpler substances. Sometimes this is easy. A mixture of brass and iron tacks, for instance, could be sorted with a magnet or even by hand. Getting the salt out of brine or seawater is a little harder, but the water can be evaporated, leaving the salt. Changes of this sort, which do not alter the fundamental nature of the components of the mixture but do modify their physical condition, are called physical changes. Grinding a rock, hammering a metal, or compressing a gas causes physical changes. Another example of physical change is the melting of ice, in which water changes from the solid to the liquid state.
Salt and water may not only be separated when in solution, but each may be broken down into other substances. This, however, involves a different kind of change—one that usually requires more energy than a physical change and that alters the fundamental nature of the material. This type of change is called a chemical change. By applying electrical energy, water can be broken down into two gases, hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen is a light gas that burns; oxygen is a gas that is necessary to sustain animal life. Salt can be broken down by melting it, then passing an electric current through it. This produces a pungent yellow-green gas called chlorine and a soft, silvery metal called sodium, which burns readily in air.
Some materials can be broken down simply by heating them. Other materials yield to attack by another substance; for example, iron oxide ore heated with coke yields metallic iron.

More than 100 chemical elements—substances that cannot be decomposed or broken into more elementary substances by ordinary chemical means—are known to exist in the universe. However, several of these elements, such as the so-called transuranium elements, have not been found in nature and can only be produced artificially.
Russian chemist Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleyev and German physicist Julius Lothar Meyer independently developed the periodic law of the chemical elements at about the same time in the late 19th century. Mendeleyev is generally credited with the findings, because he established the periodic law in 1869, and Meyer established this chemical law in 1870. Both discovered that arranging the elements in order of increasing atomic mass produced a table of chemical properties and reactivity patterns that were regularly repeated. This phenomenon—known as the periodic law—is most often represented in the periodic table of the elements (see Atom).
A  Elements
Hydrogen, oxygen, chlorine, sodium, and iron are examples of elements. Elements cannot be resolved into simpler substances by ordinary heat, light, electricity, or attack by other substances. To say that elements can never be broken down would not be accurate, but breaking them down takes millions of times more energy than can be applied by ordinary means. It requires either special equipment, such as a particle accelerator, or temperatures like those in the interior of the sun. An element can therefore be defined as a substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by ordinary means.
Ninety elements are known to occur in nature, and 22 more have been made artificially. Out of this limited number of elements, all the millions of known substances are made.
Abbreviating the names of the elements is often convenient. For each element, a symbol has been chosen that consists of one or two letters. The symbols are derived from the names of the elements; for example, H stands for hydrogen, He for helium, C for carbon, and so on. The abbreviations are not always derived from the English names, however. The symbol Fe for iron comes from the Latin ferrum, and W for tungsten comes from the German wolfram. These symbols are internationally recognized and are used even by people whose native languages do not use the Roman alphabet, such as Russian and Japanese.
B  Compounds Salt, water, iron rust, and rubber are examples of compounds. A compound is made up of elements, but it looks and behaves quite differently, as a rule, from any of its component elements. Iron rust, for example, does not look and feel like its components: oxygen gas and iron metal. Some synthetic fabrics, with fibers made from coal, air, and water, do not feel at all like any of the components that make them up. This individuality of properties, as well as other qualities, distinguishes a compound from a simple mixture of the elements it contains. Another important characteristic of a compound is that the weight of each element in the compound always has a fixed, definite ratio to the weight of the other elements in the compound. For example, water always breaks down into 2.016 parts of hydrogen by weight to 16.000 parts of oxygen by weight, which is a ratio of about 1 to 8, regardless of whether the water came from the Mississippi River or the ice of Antarctica. In other words, a compound has a definite, invariable composition, always containing the same elements in the same proportions by weight; this is the law of definite proportions.
Many elements combine in more than one ratio, giving different compounds. In addition to forming water, hydrogen and oxygen also form hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide has 2.016 parts of hydrogen to 32 parts of oxygen; that is, 1.008 parts of hydrogen to 16 parts of oxygen. Water, as stated above, has 2.016 parts of hydrogen to 16 parts of oxygen. The figure 2.016 is twice 1.008. This example illustrates the law of multiple proportions: When two elements combine to form more than one compound, the element whose mass varies combines with a fixed mass of the second element weights in a simple whole-number ratio such as 2:1, 3:1, or 3:2.
C  Atoms and Molecules
The concepts of atoms and of the groups of linked atoms called molecules are the foundation of all chemistry (see Atom). An atom is the smallest unit of an element that has the properties of the element; a molecule is the smallest unit of a compound or the form of an element in which atoms bind together that has the properties of the compound or element.
The idea of atoms is an old one. Greek philosopher Leucippus and his student Democritus appear to have originated the idea during the 4th and 5th centuries bc. According to them, matter consisted of small, indivisible particles called atoms. All atoms were made of the same basic material, but neither philosopher stated what this material was. The atomic theory was developed further by another Greek philosopher, Epicurus, who added the property of weight to the atoms and attributed a horizontal, as well as a vertical, motion to them in order to explain how atoms combine to form matter. These ideas were restated by Roman poet Lucretius in the 1st century bc.
In the 18th century ad, English schoolmaster John Dalton developed his well-known atomic theory, which explained the laws of definite and multiple proportions. Convincing proof that atoms exist, however, has only been generated since 1900. Much, but not all, of this proof came from the study of radioactivity and of energetic particles. When Lucretius watched dust particles dancing in a sunbeam and said that they were being battered by the invisible blows of restless atoms, he was basically right. True, most of the dancing was caused by air currents, yet even in still air, specks of dust or smoke are in constant motion, as are minute particles suspended in water. This constant random movement of particles is the so-called Brownian motion. Two thousand years after Lucretius, French scientist Jean-Baptiste Perrin, armed with a microscope and, more importantly, a mathematical theory, measured the random motions of suspended dye particles and calculated the number of the invisible molecules whose collisions were causing the visible dye particles to move. This way of counting molecules helped substantiate the existence of atoms and molecules.
Chemistry, Organic, branch of chemistry in which carbon compounds and their reactions are studied. A wide variety of classes of substances—such as drugs, vitamins, plastics, natural and synthetic fibers, as well as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats—consist of organic molecules. Organic chemists determine the structures of organic molecules, study their various reactions, and develop procedures for the synthesis of organic compounds. Organic chemistry has had a profound effect on modern life: It has improved natural materials and it has synthesized natural and artificial materials that have, in turn, improved health, increased comfort, and added to the convenience of nearly every product manufactured today.
The advent of organic chemistry is often associated with the discovery in 1828 by the German chemist Friedrich Wöhler that the inorganic, or mineral, substance called ammonium cyanate could be converted in the laboratory to urea, an organic substance found in the urine of many animals. Before this discovery, chemists thought that intervention by a so-called life force was necessary for the synthesis of organic substances. Wöhlers experiment broke down the barrier between inorganic and organic substances. Modern chemists consider organic compounds to be those containing carbon and one or more other elements, most often hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, or the halogens, but sometimes others as well.
Chemistry, Physical, field of science that applies the laws of physics to elucidate the properties of chemical substances and clarify the characteristics of chemical phenomena. The term physical chemistry is usually applied to the study of the physical properties of substances, such as vapor pressure, surface tension, viscosity, refractive index, density, and crystallography, as well as to the study of the so-called classical aspects of the behavior of chemical systems, such as thermal properties, equilibria, rates of reactions, mechanisms of reactions, and ionization phenomena (see Chemical Reaction; Heat; Heat Transfer; Ionization). In its more theoretical aspects, physical chemistry attempts to explain spectral properties of substances in terms of fundamental quantum theory; the interaction of energy with matter; the nature of chemical bonding; the relationships correlating the number and energy states of electrons in atoms and molecules with the observable properties shown by these systems; and the electrical, thermal, and mechanical effects of individual electrons and protons on solids and liquids.

Chemistry, Inorganic, study of the structure, properties, and reactions of the chemical elements and their compounds. Inorganic chemistry does not include the investigation of hydrocarbons—compounds composed of carbon and hydrogen that are the parent material of all other organic compounds. The study of organic compounds is called organic chemistry.
Inorganic chemists have made significant advances in understanding the minute particles that compose our world. These particles, called atoms, make up the elements, which are the building blocks of all the compounds and substances in the world around us. Just as the entire English language is constructed from combinations of the 26 letters in the alphabet, all chemical substances are made from combinations of the 112 chemical elements found on the periodic table (see Periodic Law).
Ninety elements are known to occur in nature, and 22 more have been made artificially. Elements—which include substances such as oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur—cannot be broken into more elementary substances by ordinary chemical means. The elements are arranged in the periodic table in rows from the lightest element (hydrogen) to the heaviest (ununbium). These rows are split so that elements with similar chemical properties fall in the same columns (for more information, see the Periodic Law section of this article).
The smallest representative unit of an element is an atom (see Atom). (For example, the smallest representative of the element helium (He) is a helium atom.) When atoms that come in close contact have a sufficiently large attractive force, a chemical bond, or binding link, forms between them. The combination of two or more atoms bonded together is called a molecule. A molecule is the smallest particle of a substance possessing the specific chemical properties of that substance. For example, an atom of oxygen (O) combines with two atoms of hydrogen (H) to form a water molecule (H2O). While molecules of H2O possess the properties of water, individual oxygen and hydrogen atoms do not.
Much of chemistry can be described as breaking substances apart and putting chemical components together to form new substances. This process is accomplished by breaking chemical bonds between atoms and creating new bonds, a process known as a chemical reaction.

Analytical Chemistry, one of the major branches of modern chemistry. It is subdivided into two main areas, qualitative and quantitative analysis. The former involves the determination of unknown constituents of a substance, and the latter concerns the determination of the relative amounts of such constituents. See Chemical Analysis.

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